

I use Clairvoyant visions and storytelling to help you understand the direct answers to your 3 questions. Questions and answers are my specialties! It is very important that you prioritize asking your most important questions first. Through these visions and examples, you’ll have a better understanding and more clarity. If I say the answer is ‘potatoes’, you’ll need to understand the full circle of why, otherwise you might struggle to know what to do with the answer. They come through in various ways: Figurative visions, storytelling, feelings, examples, gems of facts, etc. For future visions, I often first connect to the past, then the present moment of those circumstances. This helps me to understand how to ask for more accurate future visions. I will never make a decision for you, I will only show you possible outcomes based on your questions. Knowledge is power so reflect on your questions ahead of time. Please make notes during your reading as once our call ends, I clear my energy of our experience and prepare for the next client – this means I won’t be able to tap in again at a later stage so you’ll need to make another booking if you have more questions. During your repeat readings, previous reading information come back to me. This means we are able to pick up where we left off.

All Psychics have different specialties, skills, and styles so one can’t compare us nor expect us to work in the same way as one another, we are all wonderfully different!


I receive visuals, feelings about the loved one, emotions that they’re sending through, messages, and more. From my perspective, I absolutely love asking them questions, such as: Do you visit, if so, when where how? Do you try to communicate? (What are you wanting to say). How do you feel about my clients’ circumstances? Finally, my favorite! How can my client experience your presence, would they be feeling it physically or like a message in their head, maybe through a tingling sensation, etc? Each deceased loved one has their own unique way of communicating with me. Sometimes a family will hire me for private readings with the same deceased loved one, the loved one sometimes communicates differently with each individual.

I offer my Medium readings in my unique way, no Medium will offer a reading in the same style as another. We all have different styles, skill sets, and techniques for our gifts and we are all wonderfully different! I am not a Sangoma, a traditional healer nor a Shaman.


– It’s absolutely normal to be a little nervous or excited on the day of your reading!
– However, very heightened negative emotions often block me from being able to read you. Such as very high: anxiety, frustration, agitation, or anger. We can reschedule with advance notice.
– Alternatively, click here to follow the steps of the Golden Being affirmations in advance to help calm your spirits, it’s very soothing! Do it as many times as you like 🙂
– Note that I will not refund you if these heightened emotions get in the way of the reading as I am not responsible for your existing emotions.


Gamble, do locations, specific dates, names, lucky numbers, palm readings, fortune telling, debt counseling, no spells, describe the physical appearance of future lovers, tarot, nor free readings. No pregnancy, birth, or death predictions. I am not a traditional healer, Sangoma nor Shaman.


I might refer to a small segment of your reading at times on social media as an example of how my services work. Your identity and personal information will remain confidential at all times.


Look after yourself with kindness, love, and respect for your needs. You are worth all the energy it requires to create a future worth living! You are the only one who can take full responsibility for your life, including your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
Future-based outcomes are like a recipe. If you choose different ingredients, you won’t be able to bake the ‘cake’ that we discussed. I am not responsible for this outcome. I won’t make decisions for you nor tell you what to do.


– You can reschedule with advance notice (Min 1 day) and I’ll put you on a waiting list. Please use your session within 2 months. Note that if you miss your booking without giving me advance notice, I can’t reschedule or refund you as I was there for the reading and didn’t have time to book someone else in your place.
– I send the link to this disclaimer 2 times before your reading. I will not refund you if you don’t read this page.
– There will be no refund if you want a service that I do not offer, my services and style are stated clearly on my website.
– I give readings in my unique style. Visit my social media platforms to be sure that you fully resonate before paying for your booking. I won’t refund you if you’re upset because I didn’t act like someone else.
– If I prompt you to ask your psychic questions but for whatever reason you don’t, I will not refund you nor help you at a later stage for free.
– I will not refund you if a future outcome does not manifest because you chose to follow different steps other than the steps channeled in the visions – the future is changeable in these circumstances.

My readings do not replace advice from professionals such as doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, therapists, lawyers, debt counsellors etc. Ensure you receive the professional help you need.

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